Lies About Finding God

Look at all aspects of Miracle in That aint church


What would you say if I told you the Devil wants you to go to church?  That’s right… I said: “the Devil wants you to go to church!”

Sadly, friends, in many cases, that’s exactly what the Enemy of your soul wants.  Why?  Because he knows that in countless churches today, (churches of all shapes, sizes, and denominations – not just the overtly heretical ones), lackadaisical and lukewarm attendees are lost and headed for hell.  

Even worse, Satan knows that the cultural church of our day often serves him like a “safety deposit box…” holding his valuables in a secure and trusted location.  Friends, I am not exaggerating.  There are few categories of people harder to reach with the Truth of the Gospel (more specifically, their need for the MIRACLE of Christ’s transformative presence and Lordship in their lives), than those faithless folks turning the gears of a gospel-lite machinery-of-ministry, complete with its “customer service managers” dressed up and disguised as Christian ministers.

Friends, I can’t stress this enough.  When any professing Christian or church down plays:

  1. The role of God’s MIRACLE in calling you unto Himself, and/or
  2. The ongoing presence of miraculous grace in His commanding, 24/7, 365 day a year role as LORD of your life… watch out!

Such is the posture & postulation of a prowling lion (1 Peter 5:8).

So long as the Devil has you (or those to whom you are ministering) convinced that you are “doing” enough to be good to go, you’re doomed!  Again, to trust in anything else by God’s miraculous grace is to be deceived.

Think about it, for countless souls, lost as they may be, this message is assumed to be misapplied when shared with them.  Why?  Because they “go to church.”  

Friends, hear me:  “Going to church is NOT synonymous with coming to Christ.”  Unfortunately, that message is not getting out.  As a result, there is an epidemic of eternal proportions plaguing those who have been inoculated with Satan’s placebo of “good enough religiousity.”  Churches that champion or condone such damnable false gospels are often protective dens for the wolf pack.

Beware the wolves!

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  1. Charles Bethmann

    This website is an incredible labor of love that will wake up thousands. I thank you Pastor for the overwhelming work poured into equipping others and snatching others from the flames of Hell. Your obedience to God will save lives and Our Savior will continue to feed you His Word by The Spirit as His messenger to the blind, lost and tired. People who have been dismayed and frustrated with church , but not understanding why, will be set free with The Truth. You will be in my constant prayers as you continue to proclaim the Truth : Jesus.

    • Jeff Pearson

      Thank you Charlie… you are a true “Barnabas” 🙂


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