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Contact Pastor Jeff


Thank you for visiting That ain’t church and I trust that you have found the information valuable and hopefully a blessing to you.

Feel free to contact me via this web form. All entries will be sent to me by email.  If you would like to talk via Skype or telephone, please make sure you supply contact information in the Message and I’ll confirm with my own by return.

May God bless you!


Contact me here:

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About Pastor Jeff

Pastor Jeff Pearson, Lead Pastor of The Bridge: a biblical community in Stevensville, MD, USA

Pastor Jeff Pearson is, as D.T. Niles once said, “one beggar helping other beggars find bread". He is the church-planter, (turned Lead Pastor), of THE BRIDGE, an intimate expression of ekklessia in koinonia (a.k.a. a biblical Church in biblical unity).

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